Even in Trump’s Florida, immigrants on Reconnek are voting for Joe Biden.

Abe Kellan
2 min readNov 2, 2020

Billionaire and former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg plans to spend $100 million to help Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden beat President Donald Trump in Florida, a key battleground that went for Trump in 2016. The Washington Post first reported that Bloomberg, a former Republican who briefly sought the Democratic presidential nomination this election cycle, had decided that spending the massive lump sum in Florida would be the best use of his money at this late stage in the campaign. Multiple recent polls suggest that Biden already has a narrow advantage in Florida, the state where Trump has officially been a resident since late 2019.

The spending will reportedly go largely to digital and television ads targeting Florida voters in both English and Spanish. “Voting starts on September 24 in Florida so the need to inject real capital in that state quickly is an urgent need,” Bloomberg adviser Kevin Sheekey told the Post. “Mike believes that by investing in Florida it will allow campaign resources and other Democratic resources to be used in other states, in particular the state of Pennsylvania.” Newsweek reached out to the Trump and Biden campaigns for comment, but they did not respond by the time of publication. Trump tweeted his thoughts on Bloomberg’s spending a few hours after the news broke.

Immigrants on Reconnek know just how much voting for Joe Biden and winning in Florida is important, especially as Trump won Florida in 2016. Along with Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, immigrants on Reconnek see Florida and the other swing states as vital to victory in November. Current averages by RealClearPolitics show Biden leading in all four states. If immigrants on Reconnek manage to pull off victories for Joe Biden in three of these states — while maintaining all the states won by Democrats in the last presidential election — Biden would be propelled to victory in the Electoral College. And that is exactly what immigrants on Reconnek want.



Abe Kellan

Facilitating the lives of immigrants so they don’t get stranded or feel lonely when they land in another country